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1m Metal Wire Lantern Hook
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1m Metal Wire Lantern Hook
2m Metal Wire Lantern Hook
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2m Metal Wire Lantern Hook
4-Way Shepherd's Hook with Finial
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This Panacea 4-Way Shepherd’s Display Hook is perfect for hanging a planter box or bird...
Assorted Colourful Bird Houses (H22 x W16 x D15cm)
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Add some colour and life to your gardens with these birdhouses. The houses come in...
A traditional looking feeding station complete with brackets, water dish and mesh dish. Easily assembled...
Kingfisher Insect Hotel
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An attractive wooden Insect and Bee Hotel. Made from natural wood painted in a gloss...
Kingfisher Premium Bird Table with Feeder
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This premium bird table features an integral nut feeder, scatter seeds on the table and...
Kingfisher Window Bird Feeder
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This bird feeder can be used on windows around your home. This clear plastic tray...
Kingfisher Wooden Bird Hotel
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This is a lovely hotel for smaller varieties of garden bird. It gives them a...
Kingfisher Wooden Insect and Bee Hotel
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This is a lovely decorative hotel for garden insects and bees. Will attract a wide...
Kingfisher Wooden Squirrel Feeder
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A delightful, quirky looking squirrel feeder to give squirrels their own supply of nuts. Made...
Nature\'s Market Traditional Wooden Bird Table
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Nature\'s Market Traditional Wooden Bird Table
Nature\'s Market Slate Roof House Bird Table
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This slate roof bird table would look fantastic in any garden setting. Designed with a...
Nature\\\'s Market Deluxe Bird Table
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Nature\\\'s Market Deluxe Bird Table
Rooster Double Weathervane Shepherd Hook
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Rooster Double Weathervane Shepherd Hook
This Panacea Single Shepherd’s Display Hook is perfect for hanging lanterns, outdoor decorations, lights and...
Tom Chambers Bird Table Accessory Set
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Tom Chambers Bird Table Accessory Set which will transform a bird table into a complete...
Tom Chambers Bird Table Stabiliser Pegs
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A pack of Tom Chambers bird table stabilisers. Fix your bird table firmly into position...
Tom Chambers Robin Nest Box
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Tom Chambers Robin Nest Box
Tom Chambers Select Bird Station
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Tom Chambers Select Bird Station
Tom Chambers Squirrel Snack Box
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Designed to attract wildlife into the garden. The lids lifts up and encourages squirrels to...
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